
New start, new blog.

I've been fighting the urge lately to start a public blog (yes, I still currently write in my private Livejournal a la high school). I blame my GoogleReader and the rapidly increasing subscriptions to all of the amazing & talented writers I've come across.

The problem has been just racking my brain to figure out what about since I'm a) probably the least interesting person you'll ever meet and b) don't necessarily have a passion for one particular thing. It depends on the day.

Anywho, when it came down to it I figured now is as good of a time to start as any considering the state of transition I'm in. With a new marriage, living away from my parents and wholehearted attempt to become domestic, that may cause potential for an interesting blog, no?

Regardless, I'm starting this today & here it is. Let's hope I can keep this updated.. or in other words, find things to discuss on a (near) daily basis.

Well, here we go.

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